EDERNEY (Cúl Máine)
Phone: 028 68629062
Email: culmaine@clogherparishes.ie
Website: www.culmaine.co.uk
About this Parish
The Parish of Cúl Máine or Ederney includes a significantly large portion of Lower Lough Erne. It stretches from the centre of Boa Island and the area around the village of Kesh to the boggy and mountainous areas along the border with Co Tyrone and, from there, across to Tullyhommon, adjacent to the village of Pettigo on the Donegal-Fermanagh border.
The medieval parish was known as Machaire Chul Máine or Magheraculmoney. The ancient parish had links with St Tiarnach and this is reflected in local placenames, such as Kiltierney.
Today, the parish community is a vibrant one, striving to fulfill its mission in this part of Fermanagh. The parish has approximately 450 Catholic families with a population of around, 1,300.
Parish Team
Very Rev Frank McManus PP
Address: Parochial House, 19 Ardvarney Road, Ederney, Co. Fermanagh BT93 0EG
Phone: 028-68631315
Email: culmaine@clogherparishes.ie
Parish Pastoral Council/Team Chairperson
Parish Finance Committee Chairperson
Parish Liturgy Team ChairPerson
Safeguarding Representative
Churches and Mass Times
St Joseph’s, Ederney, Co Fermanagh

Mass Times:
Sunday: | Monday: | Tuesday: | Wednesday: | Thursday: | Friday: | Saturday: |
11.00am |

St Patrick’s, Montiagh, Co Fermanagh

Mass Times:
Sunday: | Monday: | Tuesday: | Wednesday: | Thursday: | Friday: | Saturday: |
9.30am (November to April only. Alternates with Lettercran during May to October) |

Primary School(s):
St Joseph's PS, Ederney
Address: Carn Road, Ederney, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh BT93 0HA
Phone: 028 6863 1403
Fax: 028 686 32 458
Principal: Saoirse Gallagher
Email: info@stjosephsps.ederney.ni.sch.uk