On Sunday 22 September 2019, the Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, the members of the recently-formed Pastoral Team for the parish of Aghalurcher (Lisnaskea-Maguiresbridge), Co Fermanagh, were formally commissioned during the celebration of Eucharist in the Church of the Holy Cross, Lisnaskea. The commissioning was conducted by Canon Jimmy McPhillips PP.
The Aghalurcher Pastoral Team was established in February 2019 and its members are:
Barry Prunty
Angela Montgomery
Christine Rice
John Porteous
John Mc Caffery
Brian Armitage
Aileen Hicks
Karen Mc Elroy
Margaret O’ Reilly
Paul Flynn
Paul Mohan
Vera Maguire
Cathal May
At its inception, the team drew up 5 aims or vision for the team
- To respond to the spiritual needs of the people of the Parish through liturgies and establishing new ideas/new ways of reaching out to people as a Parish Community. They have certainly done that with, for example, the good work for St. Bridget’s Day, the Feast of St. Blaise, St. Valentine’s Day, Ash Wednesday, St. Patrick’s Day, Lent and the Stations of the Cross, and all the Easter liturgies. They also planned the Padre Pio Mass, the Mass for our Students, the Babies Memorial Mass, Cemetery Sunday and the Mass for all our Sick. This list highlights the amount of outreach that has gone on in that short period of time.
- To involve more people within the life of the Parish and to invite more people to take ownership of their Church, their Parish and, in particular, to see more young people invited and involved within Parish life. Once again, they have successfully lived up to that aim – involving so many people in all of those liturgies to date. They have also established the Parish Baptismal Team, the Parish Bereavement Team, PR/Communication Team and the Children’s Mass Team.
- To communicate with all Parishioners, through an improved bulletin, by e-mails, by Text, and through social media platforms such as a Parish Website, Parish Facebook Page, Parish Twitter Page and Instagram Account. And once again, as a team, they have completed most of that; by introducing the new bulletin, the new Parish Website, the Parish Facebook Page and Twitter Page and Instagram account. There is a need for a more comprehensive survey/census of parishioners before they are able to contact them by email or text. But it is felt that people are now quite well informed of what is happening at parish level.
- To assist, collaborate and work as part of the team. Once again, they have done this very successfully. There is a great work ethic amongst the team, members happily take on roles, and there is a good atmosphere at the meetings.
- To support the Priest in his role of leadership within the Parish. Nothing more to be said about that – the support that has been given to Canon Jimmy, Canon Joe and now Fr Kevin has been ‘mighty’ to date.
Commenting on the new Pastoral Team, the Parish Priest, Canon Jimmy McPhillips said:
‘It’s important that our fellow Parishioners hear all that the team have done after a short 7 months, and of how faithful they have worked at all of those aims and visions that were set back at our first meeting of the team. The team will now sit for a 3-year period, after 2 of those years, new members will be invited in to ensure continuity of the good work already going on.’
He continued:
‘I want to see the team grow, mature and take root. I want to see it take more ownership of the parish and bring to our meetings the issues and the needs that our parishioners have out there so that, as a team, we can try to respond in whatever way we can.’
‘I would also like to see the further development of all those teams that we have, or will establish very soon. For example, I want to see the development of a Parish Youth Ministry, to support and encourage our young people in their faith.’
‘And finally, if you have any thoughts, any ideas in how we might respond better, all will be welcome.’
Bereavement Team
Rosie MacInnes
Ann-Marie Curran
Edel Trotter
Karen Mc Elroy
Rory Mc Caffery
Children’s Mass Committee
Carla Rice
Karen Mc Goldrick
Gabby Smith
Auveen Collins
Ita Treacy
Clara Traynor
Ciara Fitzpatrick
Joanne Gartlan
PR/Communication Committee
Michael Mulligan
Claire Maguire
Niall Marshall
Ronan Cassidy
Baptismal Team
Caroline O Keefe
Anne Mc Gorman
Ann Mc Caffery
Claire McPhillips
Lisa McManus
Lisa Rice
Collette Clifford
Mary McMahon
Pauline McCaghery
Bernie McDonnell
Kathleen Glancy
Regina Woods