Response to the Recommendations of the Review of Safeguarding Practice by the National Board for the Safeguarding of Children in the Catholic Church in Ireland
Recommendation 1:
Bishop McDaid must ensure that the safeguarding policy should include a definition of a vulnerable adult which provides sufficient clarity to enable those involved in safeguarding to decide whether an individual falls within the scope of the policy.
Response: We plan to revise our policy in the light of the revision of the standards currently being undertaken by the National Board, and will include a definition of a vulnerable adult.
Recommendation 2:
Bishop McDaid in consultation with the other bishops involved in the Advisory Panel must ensure that the Operational Guidelines for the Advisory Panel should be amended to specify that the recommendations from the panel to the relevant bishop should be in writing and should also reference the information presented to them upon which their advice is based.
Response: This has been brought to the attention of the Advisory Panel and will be implemented as required in future recommendations from the Panel.
Recommendation 3:
The designated person must follow the NBSCCCI case file template and ensure that the recording of safeguarding practice within the case files should include telling the narrative of the case as an aid to understanding.
Response: This is to be implemented in regard to all new case files opened.
Recommendation 4:
Bishop McDaid should ensure that each of the roles created and referenced in the safeguarding framework for the diocese should have a role description which details what are the tasks and responsibilities associated with each of them.
Response: All roles and responsibilities of volunteers / safeguarding personnel have been revised so that no one person has more than a single specific role and role descriptions are being updated to ensure no duplication of responsibilities and to bring greater clarity in regard to accountability.
Recommendation 5:
Bishop McDaid, in consultation with NBSCCCI should develop an induction programme for the two new lay volunteers who occupy the roles of “diocesan designated person”. This may include engaging with more experienced occupants of the role from neighbouring dioceses.
Response: This process has been completed for one of the designated persons and is in progress for the other.
Recommendation 6:
Bishop McDaid should consider creating a communication strategy for safeguarding in the diocese that could include an annual volunteer conference as a means of thanking them and strengthening them in their efforts in taking forward this vital work.
Response: The development of communications is ongoing. The launch of our new Policy Document will provide an opportunity to acknowledge the invaluable contribution of all our volunteers, to give due recognition to the work already done and to keep all personnel fully informed on policy and procedures.
Recommendation 7:
Bishop McDaid, in consultation with his safeguarding team should enhance the Implementation Plan for 2013 to include how each objective will be approached and who will be responsible for that work.
Response: The Implementation Plan for 2013 is coming to a conclusion with the mandated Audit from each parish, due before Easter 2014. The Implementation Plan for 2014 is in preparation and will also be following the recommendation of the NBSCCCI.